Елена Николаевна
МГЛУ 99, Минский государственный лингвистический университет (1999г.)
9 год - Опыт работы в государственных учебных заведениях
25 год - Опыт репетиторской деятельности (очно)
13 лет - Опыт репетиторской деятельности (дистанционно, онлайн)
Баллы ЕГЭ учеников:
Средний балл — 0
Максимальный балл — 0
Английский язык
Для школьников и взрослых
Первое занятие
Подготовка к ОГЭ
Подготовка к ЕГЭ
Подготовка к Cambridge экзаменам
Разговорная речь
Английский (общий) любого уровня сложности
Грамматический курс (на любой уровень)
Бизнес английский
Подготовка к IELTS
Подготовка к TOEFL
Можно сказать, что я замужем за английским. Потому что я его ЛЮБЛЮ. Это любовь с первого взляда и первого слова. Уже более 20 лет я влюблена. Страстно. Случайно. Думаю, взаимно.
А если серьезно – то если хотите заговорить на языке моей любви – тогда я вас ОЧЕНЬ жду! Говорят, любовь - слепа. Мне же она открыла глаза. На другой мир и других людей. На то, что я делаю что-то значимое в этой жизни. Я помогаю людям изменить свою жизнь.
Валя И. сказала «что благодаря английскому у меня теперь есть хобби!» Олег С. сказал, что он «нифига не понимал в английском, а теперь лучший студент и не может дождаться занятия». Марина С. пишет онлайн курс по английскому, а раньше даже с трудом говорила. Дима С. достиг таких высот в английском, что написал тест лучше меня – его преподавателя. Я уж не говорю о тех случаях, когда ученики получали хорошую работу, сдавали успешно экзамены или просто с воссторгом говорили о том, как они общались за рубежом и что им это теперь нравится! Это ли не показатель качества нашего с Вами общения?
О себе (коротко) – (просто чтобы убедить вас еще раз потратить на меня полчаса!). Две магистерские степени (Стокгольмский университет со стипендией и Белорусский Государственный со стипендией, обе по образованию). Балл диплома о высшем образовании 4.99 из 5.00 (методика преподавания английского языка) . Выиграла многочисленные гранты, олимпиады, грамоты, конкурсы. Успешно сдала ВСЕ тесты по английскому, кроме GRE. (Там математику надо знать и английский вместе, а может, просто оправдание ищу – почему не сдала?). Английским владею на уровне билингвала, он у меня практически родной. Преподавала в вузах и школах в разных странах – Китае, Швеции, Беларуси. В настоящее время преподаю английский в Омане (это Средний Восток). Подробно о моей биографии читайте ниже. Там мое СV. Отвечаю за каждое сказанное там слово.
Люблю вышивать и приготовить что-нибудь вкусненькое. Раньше очень много читала. Пою и играю на гитаре. Пыталась (безуспешно) стать членом профессионального волейбольного клуба. Если есть свободное время – люблю просто послушать русское радио. Главный принцип в жизни – “There is a wish – there is a will!”.
Жду вас. Всегда.
My Professional Experience:
Sept.2011 - present University of Nizwa, Oman, Teacher of English
Teaching English for various groups of students. Curriculum and test design. Administration and invigilation in TOEFL exam. Curriculum research paper in progress.
Mar.2009-Sept. 2011 Belarus State University, Institute of Business and Management of Technology, Minsk, Belarus, Senior Lecturer: Teaching ESL and English for Business, including advanced groups of students, creating course plans and curriculum research
Mar.2009 – Sept. 2011 Language private courses “Stellar”, Minsk, Belarus Director of Studies: teaching advanced students Toefl, CAE, FCE and other courses, conducting seminars for young teachers, designing curriculum, promoting the company’s interests. (I have all possible and impossible certificates of the English language teaching, including TOEFL, CAE, GRE, and Belarusian Professional Courses for Language Skills development).
Sept. 2008-Feb.2009 Shanghai University of Engineering and Science, Shanghai, China University teacher/researcher, teach ESL for various groups of students
Feb.-Mar. 2008 Deusto University, Bilbao, Spain, Visiting Scholar, Erasmus Mundus: Program Finalist, conducted research at Deusto University on the topic “Curriculum in the 21st century. The development of new courses”.
June 2007- Sept.2007 United States Embassy, Minsk External Language Consultant: Provided teaching and other language services to the permanent staff of the Embassy of the Unites States in Belarus. Evaluated language skills, conducted needs assessment, taught individually-tailored language study units
2006-2007 Institute of International Education, Stockholm University, Sweden Course Assistant: Served as a coordinator of academic work at two courses: Education Reform and Qualitative Research Methods. Liaised among faculty and students, assisted in students’ preparation for courses and seminars, facilitated the organization of the above courses, administered students’ matters, organized tutorials, provided general advisement, course evaluation and feedback. Served as an opponent to MA theses defense.
2006-2007 Institute of International Education, Stockholm University Master’s course, full time student. Major: International education Degree defended: September 17, 2007 Core courses: Qualitative Research Methods, Concepts and Theories in International Education Research, International and Comparative Education, Education Reform. Master’s thesis title: Continuity Between School and Higher Education Using Profiled Education. The Experience of Sweden and its Application to Belarus.
2003-2004 Belarus State University, Master’s course, full time student Major: Social Pedagogy. Core subjects: Philosophy in the Modern World, Higher Education, Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education, Social Pedagogy. Master’s thesis title: The Content of Self-Directed Study Manuals for Students Non-Majoring in English (defended with an excellent grade)
1994-1999 Minsk State Linguistic University, School of English Philology and Literature, Minsk
Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics. Awarded professional qualification of Teacher of Foreign Languages and Literature
Shanghai University of Engineering and Science, Won the contest for young researches to have an internship in China, Shanghai, Sept.2008 – Feb. 2009, Shanghai, China.
Erasmus Mundus Cooperation Window, LOT 6, Exchange program for university teachers, February-March, 2008, Bilbao, Spain
Global Education in Multicultural Society, one day seminar (Sweden-Belarus), held at the Republican Institute of Higher Education, 18 June, 2007, Minsk.
Human Rights in Education, Summer School, 15-26 August, 2005, Umea, Sweden.
Academic Writing Summer School, 26 June – 10 July, 2005, Nikolaev, Ukraine.
How to evaluate the individual student contribution into the resuls of group work? Workshop, Education Development Center, February 2005, Minsk.
Education Possibilities of Evaluation, Workshop, Education Development Center, December, 2003, Minsk.
Media, Democracy and Education, Summer School, Summer 2002, Umea, Sweden.
Academic Writing Summer School, Duke University, USA, June, 2002
Published Books:
Self-Directed Learning: Textbook for Students of Departments for Economics, September, 2006 (manual).
List of publications
1. Teaching a business negotiations course in China and possibilities of its appliance in Belarus. The urgent problems of business education, Business Conference 23-24 April, 2009. P. 282-284, Asveta.
2. Entering the university in Belarus and Sweden: comparative analysis. Higher education magazine, N 4, 2006. P. 58-61, Propilei
3. Grade inflation: a real or imagined threat? Evaluation. Educational possibilities. Collection of articles. Minsk, 2006. P. 78-87, BSU.
4. State support of talented pupils as a strategic direction of the elite formation in Belarus. The development of the system of education for talented students. Collection of papers of the Republican scientific conference, Minsk, 2003. P.569-574, Asveta.
5. The analysis of the principles of self-directed learning when studying English (based on the communicative method). University education. From effective teaching towards effective learning. Collection of works at the fifth scientific conference, Minsk, 29-30 March, 2005. P. 304-306, BSU.
6. Internet as a means of activation of self-directed learning for students who study English. Life long teaching of foreign languages, methodology, theory, practice. The papers presented at the International scientific conference. Minsk, 23-24 December 2003. P.79-81, MGLU
7. Self-directed learning of students, some comparative aspects of Belarusian and American systems of Education. Multilevel university education: from effective teaching to effective learning. The materials of the fourth international scientific conference. Minsk, 15-16 May P. 247-250, BSU.
8. How to become a “cool” teacher? (newspaper article). Newspaper Belaruskaya Molodezhnaya, Minsk, 24.05.2002. Prize winner among readers.
9. English through the Internet, newspaper Syamya, 31 August, 2001
10. The habit of (independent) thinking, newspaper Syamya, 10 August, 2001
11. Your favourite English, newspaper Syamya, 27 July, 2001.
12. An Exam in English – not as fearsome as it seems, newspaper Syamya, 20 July, 2001.
13. The pleasure of learning, Magazine Studenzkaya Dumka, June, 2001
14. The Greatness and Worthlessness of Human Life, Collection of Works, presented at the Student Research conference, NGIEH, Minsk, p. 18-22, 1999 (the award for the best presentation).
Translated Books:
1. Poverty in the Transitional Period: The Lessons of Eastern Europe and the Middle Asia, UNDP, 2001.
2. The Project Method. BSU, 2003
Academic Awards:
Grade Point Average of University studies is 4.98 out of 5.00 possible.
Silver medal for secondary education (graduated with honours)
Third place at the Republican Olympiada (language)
Second place at the Oblast Olympiada (language)
First place in the city Olympiada (language)
Honorable Diploma for language studies at secondary school
Award for the best presentation at Student Research Conference, 1999, Minsk State Linguistic University.
Prize winner for the best articles about teachers (article published).
Knowledge and skills:
Foreign languages: Belarusian and Russian – mother tongues
English: reading, speaking, and writing – excellent
German: reading – excellent, speaking and writing – good
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